Follow accounts automatically on Vinted
The best way to sell your items is to get as many people as possible to see them. To achieve this it is very important to have a lot of followers in your Vinted wardrobe because every time you upload an item to Vinted a notification is sent to all your followers notifying them of the new items available. The bot works as follows: Follow an account interested in wardrobes like yours. The user receives a notification and accesses your account. If they like your content, they will follow you back. Approximately 10% of the users you follow will follow you back.
Every time a user visits your Vinted wardrobe or starts following you, your chances of selling your items increase. But you certainly don't want to see the number of users you follow increase. You can unfollow them all with one click or let VatBot take care of unfollowing them automatically after a few days.
Don't waste your time buying fake followers, use VatBot's Vinted followers bot to get real followers. These followers will be interested in your Vinted wardrobe and will buy from you. The popularity of your wardrobe is governed by the number of followers you have and this will also increase your chances of selling.
- Follow other Vinted wardrobes
- Increase your sales
- Saves time
- Easy to use
How to start following accounts on Vinted automatically
Here's a quick guide to start following accounts and increasing the visibility of your Vinted wardrobe.
- Sign up at VatBot
- Check the option "Enable Bot to gain followers".
- Get the results
More than a bot to get followers on Vinted
VatBot is much more than just a Vinted bot to get followers. VatBot is a set of tools that allows you to get more money from your Vinted wardrobe. By using automation tools you can save a lot of time and increase your sales. Bot to renew Vinted items, bot to increase followers on Vinted, bot to get favourites in your Vinted items, bot to send messages on Vinted, bot to send offers on Vinted and much more...